Sunday, May 20, 2007

Teu Amor..

The feeling i have are much more than can be describe, it is feeling that i never imagine that i can feel so much like this,..
as i can not describe it,

i want to give YOU this Bouquet, so fresh smell...
((i am still smelling...the most redolent i have ever smelled,,

...i Love it so much much,the ancients Arabs were right indeed..))

Teu Amor ..Para Sempre,,,

Friday, May 18, 2007


دار هذا الحديث بين الذكر والأنثى:
This conversation happened between Male and Female:

قال لها: ألا تلاحظين أن الكون ذكر؟
He said for her: Don't you notice that Cosmos is male?

قالت له: بلا لاحظت أن الكينونة أنثى.
She said for him: Yes, but I notice that Existence is female.

قال لها: الم تدركي بان النور ذكر؟
He said for her: Don't you realize that Light is male?

قالت له: بل أدركت أن الشمس أنثى.
She said for him: Yes, I realize that Sun is female.
قال لها: أوليس الكرم ذكر؟
He said for her: Isn't Generosity is male?

قالت له: نعم ولكن الكرامة أنثى.
She said for him: Yes, but the Dignity is female.

قال لها: ألا يعجبك أن الشعر ذكر؟
He said for him: Don't you like that Poetry is male?

قالت له: وأعجبني أن المشاعر أنثى.
She said for him: And I like that Emotions are female.

قال لها: هل تعلمين أن العلم ذكر؟
He said for her: Do you know that Science is male?
قالت له: إنني أعرف أن المعرفة أنثى.
She said for him: I know that Knowledge is female.

فأخذ نفساً عميقاً وهو مغمض عينية, ثم عاد ونظر إليها للحظات..
He took a deep breath and his eyes closed, then he looked to her for moments..

وبعد ذلك قال لها: سمعت احدهم يقول أن الخيانة أنثى.

after that he said for her: I heard someone saying that Betrayal is female.
قالت له: ورأيت احدهم يكتب إن الغدر ذكر.
She said for him: I saw someone writing that Treachery is female.

قال لها: ولكنهم يقولون أن الخديعة أنثى.
He said for her: But they are saying that Trick is female.

قالت له: بل هن يقلن إن الكذب ذكر.
She said for him: Yes, they are saying that Lying is male.

قال لها: هناك من أكد لي أن الحماقة أنثى.
He said for her: There is who made sure to me that Stupidity is female.

قالت له: وهناك من اثبت لي إن الغباء ذكر.
She said for him: And there is who verified to me that Silliness is male
قال لها: أنا أظن إن الجريمة أنثى.
He said for her: I think that Crime is female.

قالت له: أنا اجزم إن الإثم ذكر.
She said for him: I am sure that Sin is male.
قال لها: وأنا تعلمت إن البشاعة أنثى.
He said for her: I learned that Ugliness is Female.

قالت له: وأنا أدركت أن القبح ذكر.
She said for him: I realized that Unsightliness is male.

تنحنح ثم اخذ كاس ماء فشربه كله دفعة واحدة.. آما هي فخافت عند إمساكه بالكأس..
وابتسمت ما أن رأته يشرب.. وعندما رآها تبسم لها,
He hemmed then he took a cup of water and drank it all at once.. However she felt fear when he took the cup..
And she smiled as she saw him drinking.. When he saw her, he smiled for her,

فقال لها: يبدو إنك محقة فالطبيعة أنثى.
So he said for her: you seem right, as the Nature is female.
قالت له: وأنت أصبت فالجمال ذكر.
She said for him: And you are correct, as the Beauty is male.

قال لها: لا بل السعادة أنثى.
He said for her: No, rather Happiness is female.

قالت له: ربما ولكن الحب ذكر.
She said for him: Maybe, but Love is male.

قال لها: وأنا اعترف إن التضحية أنثى.
He said for her: And I admit that Sacrifice is female.

قالت له: وأنا اقر أن الصفح ذكر.
She said for him: And I confess that Forgiveness is male.

قال لها: ولكنني على ثقة بان الدنيا أنثى.
He said for her: But I am sure that Life is female.

قالت له: وأنا على يقين أن القلب ذكر.
She said for him: And I am certain that Heart is male.

ولا يزال الجدال قائماً ولا زالت الفتنة نائمة..وسيبقى الحوار مستمرا طالما إن..السؤال ذكر..والإجابة أنثى...
And the 'Argument' is still exist and 'Charm' still sleeping.. And the conversation will be continue as much as the Question is Male.. And the Answer is Female.

NOTICE: In English language maybe, the conversation is not same as like in Arabic because the masculine and feminine in Arabic language could be opposite in English language, so this is explain the contradiction in some sentences between the description of the gender and the real gender in English.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Meu Amor

Amo-te muitoo muitoooooo
Amo-te meu Amor Amo-te muitooooo

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Out Of

I am out of time,

I am out of this world,

I am out of this life,

I am out of anything..

Who I am?

Where I am?

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Samuel Alexander
Who knows him?
Do you see that picture?
Well that is Samuel "fetal" hand!
Let us back to story…
Samuel Armas has spina bifida, which left part of his spinal cord exposed after the backbone failed to develop.
The operation was design to close the gap and protect his cord, so they decided to make the operation for him while he is still I his mother womb…
It was the only way for they safe his life so Dr. Joseph Bruner –which his finger in the picture-did the surgery, and while he was doing his operation this tiny hand gripped doctor finger like he is telling him "thanks for safe my life"…
The baby is literally hanging on for life. For this is one of the most remarkable photographs taken in medicine and a record of one of the world's most extraordinary operations.
For your information Samuel was 21 weeks ONLY means less than legally aborted in some countries!!
Maybe they need this lesson for they knows that they are just KILLER whatever was the reason they are saying and the excuses they are telling.
And this is Samuel after birth…"Development for the Humanity"

صامويل الكسندر
من الذي يعرفه؟
دعوني أعرفكم به, تلك اليد "الجنينية" الصغيرة هي لصامويل!
قصته هي...
اكتشف إصابته بالحبل ألشوكي في فترة حمل امة وما من أمل لان النخاع ألشوكي سيخرج نظرا لعيب خلقي في عظام الفقرات ومن ثم فان الدماغ سيتحطم معه
العملية هي لغلق الفجوة في ظهره ومن ثم كانت اتخذ قرار العملية لإنقاذه وهو في رحم امة..
وخلال العملية احتضنت يد صامويل أصبع الدكتور جوزيف خلال العملية وكلنه يعبر له عن شكره لإنقاذ حياته..
هذه الصورة كان الأكثر روعة وتأثيرا أخذت قط في تاريخ الطب الموثق في هذه العملية الفريدة.
وللعلم فقط فقد كان عمرة 21 أسبوع فقط!
وهو ما يعتبر اقل من العمر القانوني في بعض البلدان للإجهاض!!
مهما كانت حججهم الواهية ومهما قالوا فهذا لا يغير من حقيقة أنهم مجرد قتله لا أكثر ولا اقل!
وهذا هو صامويل بعد الولادة..."وللإنسانية التقدم".