Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Meu love, my life

CONSELHOS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Quando encontrares alguém e esse alguém fizer o teu coração parar de funcionar por alguns segundos, presta atenção: pode ser a pessoa mais importante da tua vida

when you will find someone and that someone can stop your heart for some secondfs, pay attenction: that person can be the most important person on your life

Se os olhares se cruzarem e, neste momento, houver o mesmo brilho intenso entre eles, fica alerta: pode ser a pessoa que tu estás à espera desde o dia em que nasceste

If your eyes will cross and in that moment both of you will have the same intensive shine, pay attenction: that person can ne the person you were waiting since the day you were born

Se o toque dos lábios for intenso, se o beijo for apaixonante, e os olhos se encherem de água neste momento, percebe: existe algo mágico entre vocês

If your lips when touching you feel a so intensive feeling and the kiss will be a so lovely kiss and your eyes feel full of water (happiness), understand: something magic exist between both of you

Se o 1º e o último pensamento do teu dia fôr essa pessoa, se a vontade de ficarem juntos chegar a apertar o coração, agradece: Algo do Céu te mandou um presente divino: O AMOR

If your first thought and last thought on your day is about that person, if your wish from being together is so big and crashing your heart, thank God: something coming from Sky was sent to you as a divine gift: The love

Se um dia tiverem que pedir perdão um ao outro por algum motivo e, em troca, receberes um abraço, um sorriso, um afago nos cabelos e os gestos valerem mais que mil palavras, entrega-te: Vocês foram feitos um para o outro

If one
day you (both of you) will need to ask forgive to the other because any subject, and as an answer of that forgive you will receive a hug, a smile, a touch in your hairs and all happen will be more value than thousands words, be to him/to her: You, both of you were made to each other

Se por algum motivo estiveres triste, se a vida te passou uma rasteira e a outra pessoa sofrer o teu sofrimento, chorar as tuas lágrimas e enxugá-las com ternura, que coisa maravilhosa: Poderás contar com ela em qualquer momento da tua vida

If for any motif you are sad, if your life is not being so good and the other person is suffering your pain, if the other person is crying your tears and cleaning them with tenderness, ohh...what a wonderful thing: You can know that he/she will be with you in any time..always

Se conseguires, em pensamento, sentir o cheiro da pessoa como se ela estivesse ali ao teu lado....

If you will be able, for in thoughts, feel his/her smell, like she/he is beside you

Se achares a pessoa maravilhosamente linda, mesmo ela estando de pijamas velhos, chinelos de dedo e cabelos emaranhados....

If you think that person is so much beautiful, so wonderful, even she/he is using old pyjamas, old shoes and hairs completely out of place

Se não conseguires trabalhar direito todo o dia, ansioso pelo encontro que está marcado para a noite....

If you cannot work all day, anxious for see she/he again, on that date you agreed for night

Se não conseguires imaginar, de maneira nenhuma, um futuro sem essa pessoa a teu lado....

if you cannot imagine, from any way, a future without that person near to you, beside you

Se tiveres a certeza que vais ver a outra pessoa envelhecendo e, mesmo assim, tiveres a convicção que vais continuar sendo louco por ela....

If you have sure that you will see the other person being older and older and even like that, you have sure that you will continu completely crazy (full in love) about he/she

Se preferires fechar os olhos, antes de ver a outra partir: é o amor que chegou à tua vida

If you prefer close your eyes, before look at other person go away: It's the love that arrive at your life

Muitas pessoas apaixonam-se muitas vezes na vida, mas poucas amam ou encontram um amor verdadeiro....

many people fall in love several times in their lifes, but so few can love or thing the real love

Às vezes encontram e, por não prestarem atenção a esses sinais, deixam o amor passar, sem deixá-lo acontecer verdadeiramente.

sometimes thay find and as they dont pay attenction to the signals, those people let love pass away from them, and never they feel what is real love

Por isso, presta atenção aos sinais.

So, pay attenction to all signals

Não deixes que as loucuras do dia-a-dia te ceguem para a melhor coisa da vida: O AMOR !!!

Dont let that day by day blind you for the best thing on life: LOVE!!!

Ama muito.....muitíssimo..... so much.....really so much.....

Beija alguém de quem gostas quando receberes esta mensagem, mesmo que seja em pensamento.

Kiss someone that you really love when you will receive this message, even kiss her/him in thoughts

Lembrei-me de ti, beijo-te em silêncio, em pensamento

I remember you, I am kissing you in silence, in my thoughts

the Write is:
Carlos Drummond de Andrade (October 31, 1902 - August 17, 1987) was perhaps the most influential Brazilian poet of the 20th century. He has become something of a national poet; his poem "Canção Amiga" ("Friendly Song") was printed on the 50 cruzados note.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Real Beauty

is this what Beautiful mean??

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Have Happy & Sweet Easter :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

فضيخة وعلى انف اليمنين

الاتفاقية المزمع اتمامها من اجل ان تقوم شركه موانئ دبي
والتى من خلالها ستقوم الشركه بادارة ميناءعدن
تجعلنا نلعن اليوم الذي فكر البعض مجرد تفكير بان يقوموا شيء بهذا القدر من الشناعه!

مما لا شك فيه أن موقع ميناء عدن موقع استراتيجي بكل ما تحمله هذه الكلمة من معنى ويحتل نقطة مهمة جدا في خارطة الموانئ العالمية ويعتبر كموقع من أحسن المواقع الإقليمية على الإطلاق، بل ويسمى هذا الميناء ملتقى الشرق والغرب وهذه الصفة المهمة يجب أن لا نغفل عنها أبدا، أما من الناحية التاريخية فنأخذ مثلاً دور دولة أوروبية مثل بريطانيا في فترة وجودها الذي أمتد لمائة وتسعة وعشرين عاما حيث تحول من ميناء عادي مهمل إلى ثالث أفضل ميناء على مستوى العالم.

الاتفاقية مع الشركة ومن ثم تدخل الرئيس بإيقاف المشروع وإعادة النظر فيه!!
والذي حدث هو أنه يتم ألان التفاوض مع الشركة إلى ألان بدلا من إيقاف المشروع للأبد ومحاسبة الذين كانوا سببا في هذه الفضيحة!؟

الاتفاقية التي هي سرقة للوطن وعلى مرأى الجميع وحماية القانون !!
بتواطؤ الفاسدين في الحكومة اليمنية!

عدة ملاحظات من المقابلة التي تمت مع أسامه باوزير في صحيفة الأيام تدل على أن المسؤلين في اليمن مصابين بمرض خبيث ينهش الحاضر والمستقيل وكل يوم نتراجع خطوتين للوراء دون حتى خطوة للأمام!

1- تنص الاتفاقية في المادة 37 منها على تأجير كامل ميناء المعلاء بمبلغ مائتين وخمسة وعشرين ألف دولار أمريكي سنويا!!!

وللقارئ الكريم أن يتصور أن ما كان ثالث ميناء في العالم من حيث حركة الملاحة العالمية يؤجر بأقل من قيمة إيجار جناح في فندق في دبي لمدة سنة!!!
وهذه المادة بحد ذاتها تستوجب استقالة مسئولين في الوزارة المعنية.

2- ميناء كالتكس يؤجر هو الآخر بمبلغ زهيد جدا مقارنة بالدخل المتوقع من ميناء حاويات بمثل حجمه ويقدر مبلغ الإيجار بمليون ونصف المليون دولار أمريكي سنوياً.(الميناء هو من ضمن المنطقة الحرة التي تشمل ميناء المعلاء الاساسي)

3- في نهاية فترة الخمسة والثلاثين عاما يكون الحد الأعلى لعدد الحاويات والتي تمت مناولتها بواسطة موانئ دبي في ميناء كالتكس ثلاثة ملايين وأربعمائة وأربعين ألف حاوية فقط، بينما وفي نفس الفترة الزمنية يكون ميناء دبي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة قد قفز إلى حوالي اثني عشر ضعف الرقم المذكور أعلاه وميناء جيبوتي قد قفز إلى أربعة أضعاف هذا الرقم، بينما ميناء عدن يكون في أسفل سلم موانئ المنطقة.

4- نصت الاتفاقية على فضيحة أخرى وهي تثبيت سعر الكيلووات بسعر ثابت طيلة مدة الخمسة والثلاثين عاما!!

وهذا ما لا يحصل في أي عقد في العالم نظرا لطبيعة تغير أسعار الكهرباء من فترة لأخرى.

5- أسعار المناولة في الموانئ الإقليمية القريبة من ميناء عدن هي حوالي سبعين دولارا للحاوية غير أن العقد وفي المادة 38 الفقرة الثالثة نص أنه سيدفع المشغل(موانىء دبي) للدولة كحد أقصى ستة دولارات للحاوية الواحدة تنزل إلى ثلاثة دولارات وخمسة وسبعين سنتاً إذا وصل عدد الحاويات إلى اثنين مليون حاوية وللقارئ الكريم أن يعرف ويحس الفرق بين السبعين دولارا والستة دولارات!!!

6- ومن البنود المادة 6 التي تنص على شراء كامل الأصول في الميناءين من رافعات جسريه بمختلف أنواعها ومعدات رفع ومعدات تنزيل وثلاثين قارب قطر وخمسة وأربعين قاطرة حاويات ومنصة جوية و...... الخ بمبلغ خمسة وثلاثين مليون دولار أمريكي أي بقيمة رافعتين!!

مع أن حسبة بسيطة لهذه الأصول تضع تقديراتها بأكثر من مائة مليون دولار بحالتها الراهنة.

7- والفضائح في البنود كثيرة لا يتسع المجال لذكرها في المقابل وفي اتفاقية الميناء الجنوبي لميناء جدة في المملكة العربية السعودية يستحق المشغل (أيضاً موانئ دبي) وهو نفس المشغل الذي يريد تشغيل ميناء عدن، أن تأخذ حكومة المملكة خمسة وستين في المائة من إجمالي الدخل وتبقي خمسة وثلاثين في المائة للمشغل لتغطية مصاريف التشغيل والأرباح وللتحديث المستمر للميناء، كما تلزم الحكومة السعودية في هذا العقد المشغل باستثمار أكثر من مائة وثلاثين مليون دولار وعلى نفقة المشغل في البنية التحتية وشراء آليات للميناء كما يلتزم بتشغيل المواطنين في المشروع وليس للمشغل الحق في تغيير أسعار المناولة ...إلى كثير من تلك البنود الجيدة من جانب الحكومة السعودية.

وخلاصة القول وبشفافية تامة أن هناك مسئولين في الدولة يحاولون بشتى الطرق وباستماتة قصوى تفصيل عقد وشروط لإدارة ميناء عدن وإلباسه لموانئ دبي ولهم أسبابهم الشخصية والمادية والجميع يعرف ذلك ولا نعلم لماذا حتى هذه اللحظة لم تقم الحكومة السابقة بعمل إعادة مناقصة لهذا المشروع المهم والحيوي، بل بدلا من ذلك ترسل المندوب تلو الآخر إلى دبي لمحاولة تسوية الأمور ولترميم المقترحات الآيلة للسقوط حتى لا تضيع مصالحهم.

إلى هنا وبعد كل ما ورد سابقاً ماذا بقى لدينا أن نقول!!!
ألا يستحق السجن كل من فكر مجرد تفكير بان يوقع اتفاقية مع شركة تدير ميناء دبي وجدة وجيبوتي وتريد ألان ضم عدن إلى القائمة!!
كل الموانئ المذكورة المنافسة تسيطر عليها الشركة, فالحل يكون بتسليم كل شيء لها!!

والمضحك والمبكي انه لا يزال يتم التفاوض جاري مع ألشركه!
فالرئيس قام بتأجيل ضرب الفأس في الرأس!
وترك المفسدين يذهبوا للتفاوض بعد ذلك!

الفاسد لا يكون فاسداً إلا ومن فوقه فساداً والقمة تنتهي بالرئيس, فكيف يتم الحديث وفي الأخير يتم شكر الرئيس!
أوليس هو في قمة الهرم!

فماذا ينتظر بعد من اجل أن نرى ختاماً لهذه الفضيحة?


Convention to be completed in order for the Dubai Ports company, which by this convention, it will manage Aden port, makes us curse the day, when some people thought just thinking that they could do something so ghastly like this!

There is no doubt that the location of the port of Aden is a strategic site in the literal sense of the word meaning.
And is a very important point in the road Ports World, it consider a site of the best regional sites at all, even it called a port of crossroads of the East and West and this point must not be pass over!
Either from a historical Let us take as an example, the role of European countries such as Britain in the period of its existence, which extends to one hundred and twenty-nine years-during its colonial period-
It had been shift from an ordinary and neglected port to third best port in the world.

This agreement with the company and then the intervention to stop the project by the President to be reconsidered!

What has happened is that they are now negotiating with the company to now, instead of stopping the project forever and to hold accountable to those who were the cause of this scandal!?

This convention, which is the theft of the nation under the sight of all and also the protection of the law, occurred by complicity of corrupt government of Yemen!!

Several observations from the interview with Osama Bawazier in Al-Ayyam newspaper, shows that the responsible people in Yemen are infected by malignant disease eats present and the future, every day we retreat two steps without even one step forward!

Here are some of the clauses in this disastrous convention:

1- Convention states in 37th article of it to rent the entire port of Mualla -Mualla is a district in Aden where exactly Aden port exist- by two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars annually!!!
Just for your dear reader, imagine that which was the third port in the world in terms of traffic World is being rents for less than the value of the rental suite in a hotel in Dubai for a year!!
This article itself requires officials of the Ministry to resignation.

2- Port of Caltex-beside Mualla port both are Aden port-lease is also very cheap compared to the amount of income expected from the port containers such size and the amount of rent for Caltex port is one and a half million dollars annually!!

3- at the end of the five and thirty years -period of the convention- the upper limit of the number of containers, which will be handled by Dubai port company of in the port of Caltex, will be three million and four hundred and forty thousand containers only!
While in the same period of time, the port of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates-the main seat of Dubai port company- has jumped to about twelve times the figure above and the port of Djibouti has jumped to four times that figure, while in the port of Aden the bottom of the ports in the region.

4- stipulated by the Convention for another scandal is pegging the price of a fixed price per kilowatt for the duration of the five and thirty years!!!
And this is not the case in any contract in the world due to the nature of changing prices for electricity from the other.

5- Handling rates in regional ports near the port of Aden is approximately seventy Dollars per container However, the contract, in Article 38, paragraph three text:
That the operator will pay, the state a maximum of six dollars only per container go to three dollars and seventy-five cents if the number of containers reach to two million containers!!!
Just for you reader knows the difference between seventy dollars and six dollars!!!

6- Among the items of Article 6 which provides for the purchase of the entire assets in the ports of the bridge different kinds of cranes and lifting equipment and the equipment to download and 30th boat Qatar and forty-five containers engine and aerial platform and so on... Only by amount of thirty-five million dollars means worth as two cranes only, while with the simple calculation of these assets estimates put more than one hundred million dollars in their current condition.

7- Scandals in many of the articles do not have the space to mention, in return, otherwise the southern port of the port of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia deserves operator (also Dubai Ports), the same operator who wants to operate the port of Aden, that the government of the Kingdom will get 65% of the total income and the remaining 35% to the operator for cover operating expenses and profits for the continuing modernization of the port, as are the Saudi government in this decade operator to invest more than one hundred and thirty million dollars at the expense of the operator in infrastructure and the purchase of the mechanisms of the port is also committed to the hire of the citizens in the project and not the operator the right to change prices handling... many of those items are good part in the convention with Saudi government.

In summary and by full transparency we see that some officials in the state are trying in various ways to give the management of the port of Aden to the ports of Dubai and have their own personal and physical reasons and everybody knows.
No one knows why until this moment, the previous government did not re-tender for the work of this important and vital project, but instead of so send delegate after another to Dubai to try to settle things, the restoration of the proposals leading to the fall,
so as not to lose their interests.

Here, after all of the previously, what is left to us to say!

Do no they deserves prison everyone who thought just thinking that signed an agreement with the company which is running the ports of Dubai and Jeddah, Djibouti, and now wants Aden to be included to the list!
All ports mentioned ports controlled by the company, so we just delivered everything to it!!

The laughter and crying in same time that it is still being negotiated with the company!

President delayed the strike of the ax in the head!
The spoilers go back to negotiate after that!

The Corrupt cannot be corrupt it there is not above corruption and end summit with President.
How we talk in the end and thanked the for what he did President!

Is not him at the top of all!
What is he waiting after all in order to see the conclusion of this scandal?


So wonderful indeed..
life is much faster than we think it is passing so fast,
if we can watch from slower point, there will be alot of many things that can not be notice only if we have Incisive Look for everything..
we can see many much details in this video..